Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Hello Everyone,

I hope by this time everyone has settled back into school! I can't believe that fall break is only one week away, although, I am definitely relived! It's been a jam packed couple of months since I have last been on here. School has started and welcome week has come and gone, along with Fall Ball. Hurst Fest, Spirit Week, The Upperclassman BBQ and of course the first of our distinguished speaker series speakers Andrew Jenks. These events have been a huge success and we were delighted with the turn out at the majority.

I know all this in a month you say? Well yup it happened!! Thanks to our wonderful senate and E-Board. This year so far I feel your MSG senate has worked so much harder than any other senate in the past. They have been very hands on and eager to help it's been great! They all deserve a huge pat on the back! A special shout out goes to Zane Taylor and Alexa Bradley our August and September MSG senator of the month!

We have been working very hard to get our names out there to increase our presence across campus! We have put magnets on every single door on campus, we have supplied students with popcorn as a welcome back gift encouraging them to POP into our new office (GET IT)! Then of course we had our call me maybe video that was recorded this fall by our MSG senate and a few friends from around campus! The marketing and PR Dept at Mercyhurst University has been tracking the clicks and views and it has been viewed by almost 9000 times. This was a bigger success than we ever dreamed of and it was a lot a lot of fun to film! Please check it out and I apologize in advance for my horrible dancing skills! I wont quit the day job don't worry! 

Peace Out,

Richard Molloy!
